Thursday, March 25, 2010

Biggest Animals: Top Ten 10 Largest Or Heaviest Terrestrial Mammals Of The World

African elephant is one of the heaviest living mammals on the Earth. It is bigger than Asian Elephant. Adult male elephant stand 12 ft tall and weigh 5,600kg but male can be as heavy as 7,000 kg. It is also known as Loxodonte which is Greek word means oblique-sides tooth. In 1970 their population was around 400000 but today it is only 10000 due to hunting. The average length of African elephant is 24 feet.
The White Rhinoceros is most commonly found species of Rhinoceros. It has two subspecies i.e. Southern White Rhino (found in the Southern Africa) and Northern White Rhino (found in Northern Africa). The species of White Rhino is in danger of extinction as their population is around 11000 only. It is considered as one of the heaviest mammals of the earth as male adult white rhino weighs around 4500 kg so it is the second heaviest animal on earth.
Hippopotamus is the second largest land animal of the earth after African Elephant. The word Hippopotamus or Hippo is ancient Greek word which means “the river horse”. This herbivorous animal found in sub Saharan Africa and adult male animal can be as heavy as 3,000 kg therefore it is considered as the third heaviest animal in the world. The population of this aggressive and ferocious animal is around 125000 to 150000.
Giraffe :It is the tallest land-living animal. Average height of adult male Giraffe is between 14 ft to 17 ft but it can be as tall as 20 ft. It feeds on leaves and vegetation. This animal is inhabitant of Central and South Africa. There is no danger to this animal as for as their extinction is concerned. It is famous for its unique and long neck. The average weight of Giraffe can vary between 12,00 Kg to 1650 Kg so it is the fourth heaviest animal on earth.
American Bison or American Buffalo is found in the grasslands of North America. In wilds it lives in huge herds but it is also be used as domestic livestock. Bison is Greek word which means Ox-like animal. There is no danger of its extinction and it is considered as one of the heaviest living-mammals. Its average weight is around 1,000 Kg.
Dromedary or Arabian camel is found in Middle East and Arabian Peninsula. It is domestic animal and there is no threat of its extinction. The weight of Dromedary is between 400 to 700 kg and it is considered as one of the heaviest animals in the world. From ancient times it is used by human for purpose of transportation and this animal is also famous as “airplane of desert”.
Polar bear is the largest bear of the world. It is also the largest carnivore (animals who exclusively depends upon the flesh or meat of other living animals for their food) animal of the world. It is found in Arctic circle including Arctic Ocean and land masses around it. Global warming is greatest threat to its existence and their total population is around 20000-25000 which is declining with the passage of time. Their weight can be 600 Kg.
Moose belongs to the family of dear and famous for its beautiful antlers. It is found in North America and Northern Europe. In Europe it is known as European Elk. It is one of the heaviest living-mammals of the Earth. Its milk and meat is used by human beings and it is domestic animal. Weight of Moose can be 550 Kg.
The Siberian tiger is only found in Siberia also it is the largest among all tiger species. Usually tigers attack and eat humans but Siberian tiger rarely attack on human. Due to hunting, this species is in danger of extinction. It is also known as Amur, Manchurian, Altaic and Ussuri tiger. In 19th century it inhabited many parts of central Asia and Europe but today it is only confined to the Siberia. Its maximum weight can be about 300 Kg.
A gorilla is the native animal of central Africa and they are the closest living relatives to humans after chimpanzees. This herbivorous animal can be divided into 5 sub-species. This highly intelligent animal lives in dense forests, marshes and swamps. Their species is in danger of extinction because of human activities. The maximum weight of Gorilla can be around 220 Kg.

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